£130.00/month(inc. tax)
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Billed every month
Total (inc. tax)

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Any day from today to 15th March.

Payment method

Security deposit

Upon booking, a refundable security deposit will be charged. It's returned upon vacating, unless damages or other terms are not met. If you cancel before move in day, the deposit will be returned in full.

Deposit amount

Please note

Charges will commence once a container is booked. Cancellation notice needs to be given within 48 hours of start date.
Payments are secure and encrypted.
“I was searching for a container for some time for my business eventually I found store 247. The guys at U Store 247 have been so helpful and friendly. I honestly cannot recommend them enough, if you ever need a container this is the place to go.”
Mathew Addison

20 ft container

Contents of a 2 bedroom house

£130.00/month(inc. tax)
Show order summary
Billed every month
Total (inc. tax)
Billed once, today
Security deposit
Total (inc. tax)